Our Cause

All children should see themselves reflected in the earliest form of print media to instill a sense of belonging and worthiness right out of the gate.


Giving back while fostering inclusivity and diversity in children’s books.

Stacey and Skyler’s dad, Ed, have been reading to Skyler since she was in the NICU. Stacey loves children’s books, but she’s also noticed something: When children’s books feature people or personified characters, they rarely reflect some of Skyler’s “different” characteristics (e.g. small size, walker, hearing aids, feeding tube, AAC device and inability to talk). A growing body of children’s literature features diverse characters, but we have so much work to do in this area!

 Key Focuses

Stacey’s books feature diverse characters to normalize what our current culture continues to see as “other” or “different.” 


Pairing disabled children with their peers, utilizing high contrast illustrations and a simple illustrative style to be more appealing to children with CVI, and affordable pricing.


Featuring characters with a diverse range of characteristics and abilities so that more children see themselves in the stories they read.


Increasing awareness about disabilities with an emphasis on everyone’s innate worthiness.

Giving Back

Providing encouragement to caregivers of children living with medical complexities and disabilities and donating a portion of our proceeds back to the community that supports us.


Donating 10% of Proceeds

In Skyler’s honor and to support a more inclusive world, 10% of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to Perkins School for the Blind. Having both a national and global impact, Perkins is an educational leader for children and young adults with vision impairment, blindness and other disabilities. For more resources and information, visit www.perkins.org.

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